Spanish mini-studio Filmax has announced a string of deals that it closed at Cannes, including three films to Japan's Gaga and a package of titles to all Latin American pay-TV platform LAPTV. Two titles included in both deals were Carlos Saura's forthcoming Bunuel And King Salomon's Table (Bunuel Y La Mesa Del Rey Salomon) and Paco Plaza's feature debut Second Name (Segundo Nombre).
Gaga also took all Japanese rights to Jaume Balaguero's much anticipated English-language thriller Darkness. Other films included in the LAPTV package are Fantastic Factory genre division titles Faust, Arachnid, Dagon and The Heart Of The Warrior (El Corazon Del Guerrero).
Closing deals for remaining territories on other Factory titles, Filmax closed all Hong Kong rights on Dagon to EDKO, video rights in the UK on Faust and Arachnid to The Home Entertainment, and all rights on Beyond Reanimator to Central Partnership (CIS).
Filmax head of sales Antonia Nava also signed deals with HBO USA, Canal Plus Scandinavia and Benelux's Cinemien for Laura Mana's award-winning Compassionate Sex (Sexo Por Compasion). Other sales closed by Filmax at Cannes include: remaining territories on Darkness to Unikorea, Spentzos (Greece) and Menara Media (Indonesia); new title Exhibition to Spentzos, Central Partnership (CIS), GMI (Korea), Audio One (Malaysia), Menkol (Thailand), DR Combines (India), Menara Media and Overseas (Singapore).
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