New feature projects byRaoul Ruiz, Michael Caton-Jones and Cedric Kahn are among several Europeanco-productions receiving production support from Filmstiftung NRW in its latestround of funding.
A total of Euros 7.1m wasallocated to 36 projects. The largest amount - Euro 1m - was given to CedricKahn's Franco-German co-production L'Avion about a magical aeroplanewhich helps a young boy and his mother to come to terms with the father'sdeath. The co-production between Fidelite and Akkord Film will be largely shotin North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) this summer.
NRW will also providelocations for: Raoul Ruiz's biopic Klimt, starring John Malkovich,Veronica Ferres and Laetitia Casta, which will come to the region for two weeksin September; Michael Caton-Jones' Shooting Dogs, which is beingproduced by Egoli Tossell Film with the UK's Crossday Productions and BBC Filmsand features John Hurt, Hugh Dancy and Dominique Horwitz in the cast; and forPeter Thorwarth's comedy Eingelocht.
In addition, the Duesseldorf-basedfund backed German-born director Johan Renck's Euros 6.5m psychological drama DownloadingNancy which has Holly Hunter, Stellan Skarsgard and William Hurtattached to come to shoot in NRW this summer. Geiselgasteig-based MagicWorx isproducing with the UK's fresh media Ltd. and Legacy Productions.
Other projects supportedinclude Michael Haneke's thriller Cache, starring Juliette Binoche andDaniel Auteuil; Pierre Paul Renders' Mr Average, co-produced byCologne's Tradewind Pictures and Belgium's Entre Chien et Loup with partnersfrom Luxembourg, France and Canada; and twins Dominik and Benjamin Reding'sdrama Fuer Den Bekannten Hund which will be their second feature aftertheir impressive debut Oi! Warning.
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