Vedran Fajkovic's Bosanski Ionac and Namik Kabil's Zadnji Dan are among six projects selected by producers Cedomir Kolar and Behrooz Hashemian and sales agent Philippe Bober to be presented at Sarajevo Film Festival's first CineLink Market from August 20-22.
The complete line-up of the six finalists is:
Bosanski Ionac - Vedran Fajkovic
Gola Koza - Zlatko Topcic
Lagano - Nikola Misic
Ruze Sa Tosku - Branko Duric/Simona Strazisar
Sasvim Licno - Nedzad Begovic
Zadnji Dan - Namik Kabil.
These projects's scripts will be polished during the CineLink's script development programme led by script doctors Gareth Jones, Franz Rodenkirchen and Srdan Karanovic in Sarajevo from July 2-8, and then presented to 15-25 local and foreign producers at the CineLink Market in August.
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