FocusFeatures has acquired worldwide rights to Patricia Foulkrod's documentary TheGround Truth: After The Killing Ends,which premiered at Sundance. The company plans to release it later this year.
Thepicture recounts the experiences of six American men and women who served inIraq and chronicles their recruitment, training, combat and traumatichomecoming.
TheGround Truth was produced in associationwith Plum Pictures and Radioaktivefilm.
Patriciahas made a searing film, one with exclusive footage that will stun audiences,"Focus president James Schamus said. "These soldiers are patriotic Americansarticulating stories that must be heard, and we think filmgoers around theworld are ready to watch and listen."
"Thisfilm has been made from the soldiers' point of view, and it captures their shatteredlives and broken hearts," Foulkrod added. "My intent was to give thema voice, and to inspire viewers to reach out to all soldiers and theirfamilies."
FocusFeatures negotiated the deal with Cinetic Media on behalf of the filmmakers.
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