Brazil's EProibido Proibir (Forbidden To Forbid) has won the Films In Progress 8(Cine En Construccion) award at the San Sebastian International Film Festival,a prize which carries over Euros $400,000 in completion funding.
Directed byJorge Duran, Forbidden was one of seven finalists selected out of 60entries to screen in front of industry professionals in an unfinished format onSeptember 20 and 21. Films In Progress is a joint initiative between SanSebastian and the Latin American Film Festival of Toulouse.
The winnerreceives free post-production facilities from Exa, Kodak, Molinare, No ProblemSonido, Technicolor-Madrid Film Lab and Titra Film. Last year's winner, BlessedBy Fire (Illuminados Por El Fuego) from Argentina screened here incompetition earlier this week.
Forbidden ToForbid also wonUS$25,000 in funding from SIGNIS, the World Catholic Association forCommunication.
Other Films InProgress finalists to receive awards this year include Mexico's El Violin,by Francisco Vargas (Euros 9,000 from Casa de America; a guaranteed screeningat the International Confederation of Arthouse Cinema's 3,000 screens; andanother SIGNIS award of US$25,000). El Telon De Azucar, by Camila GuzmanUrzua won the TVE Award, bringing a terrestrial TV deal in Spain and Andorra.
The other SIGNISaward winner this year was Argentina's El Borde Del Tiempo, by JorgeRocca, which also won $25,000, while the US$15,000 Documentary Award went toSergio Iglesias' Bialet Masse, A Century After.
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