Stuart Ford has resigned hisposition as executive vice president of Miramax International and will leavethe company at the end of May to pursue other opportunities.
During his six-year tenureat Miramax the 34-year-old executive played an active role in internationalsales and distribution operations and acquisitions.
He previously served asco-head of acquisitions, where his credits included Amelie, City Of God and Dirty Pretty Things, and as senior vice president of internationaloperations. He joined the company's New York offices in 1998.
"I've had a rocking sixyears at Miramax where I've been allowed to grow into senior executivepositions and garner tremendous professional experience," Ford said in astatement.
"At this time I'm interestedin moving on to a fresh professional and personal challenge.
"I'm incredibly grateful toHarvey, Rick Sands and everyone else at Miramax for the opportunities and thefun I've had here, but I do feel as if now is a good time for me to face theindustry from a new perspective."
Ford said he would take timeoff this summer to weigh up his options and expected to hold talks with severalparties.
Miramax co-chairman HarveyWeinstein added: "Stuart is a Miramax success story. It's given me greatpleasure to see his career blossom at Miramax where he's served incredibly wellin his various capacities.
"While it's disappointingthat he is leaving, we trust that Stuart will remain a friend of the Miramaxfamily. We wish him success in his future endeavours."
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