A seriesof hits have helped home-grown titles to a 58% share of the
Squeezedprofits are forcing producers to rely on foreign sales in a way that is beginning to have a clear effect.
The most widely-publicised change has been increasedemphasis on casting stars with name recognition in
Whereascomedies made up a large percentage of the films produced in the early part ofthe decade, in recent years there has been a perceptible shift towards genresthat can be more easily marketed abroad.
Thisincludes action, thriller, and horror films that while not quite as flagrantlyviolent or intense as the work of someone like cult Japanese director Takashi Miike, nonetheless can be marketed within the confines of"extreme" Asian cinema.
A casein point is Running Wild, a big-budget action-noir scheduled to bow in
Swordplay/martialarts films are also easily marketed abroad, and distributor CJ Entertainmentwill finance the latest big-budget attempt at the genre. Jung-cheon(original title), which opened shooting in
Yetdespite the marketability of such "masculine" genres in
Withmelodrama April Snow grossing upwards of $20m in
Upcomingexamples include Romance by Moon Seung-wook (Nabi), a relatively high-budget effort with risingstar Kim Ji-soo (This Charming Girl) playing abattered wife who falls in love with a detective.
Kim alsotakes a role in Mirovision's Traces Of Love, from rising director Kim Dae-seung(Blood Rain) about a man who travels to places that his dead fiancee described in her journal.
Finally,My Girl And I from iHQis likely to draw interest in
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