Former Wellspring Mediaexecutives Michael Thornton and Sheri Levine will launch their worldwide salesand distribution company Forward Entertainment at Cannes and will be offeringthe documentary Unknown White Maleto international buyers.
Rupert Murray's picturepremiered at Sundance and tells the remarkable story of a Briton in New Yorkwho during the course of several hours loses all memory of who he is andremembers nothing of his previous life.
Wellspring and Court TV areteaming up on the domestic release later this year.
"This film has internationalappeal which will resonate with audiences everywhere," Thornton said in astatement. "It poses the basic human question, 'Who are we, if we don't haveour memories''"
"We are very proud to beassociated and representing this incredible film outside of North America,"Levine added. "It's exactly the type of unique and quality driven project thatwe want to bring to a worldwide audience."
"It is incredibly importantto us that the film is being looked after by a committed, passionate team whobelieve as much in the film as we do," the picture's producer Beadie Finziadded.
"Our Executive Producer JessSearch worked with Michael Thornton while she was at Channel 4 Television inthe UK and we feel very confident continuing a strong working relationship."
Thornton and Levine eachhave more than 15 years experience in the industry. Thornton previously servedat Spelling Entertainment and Disney, and Levine at Fox/Lorber.
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