Fortissimo Films has established a new sales division tohandle television, video/DVD and ancillary sales on its feature library.
Long-time Fortissimo sales executive Esther Bannenberghas been put in charge of the new division and has been promoted to theposition of Senior Vice-President Television and Ancillary Sales.
Fortissimo's library consists of more than 220 films,documentaries, short films and animated titles, including Wong Kar-Wai's
Inaddition, Fortissimo Films will manage existing libraries on behalf ofindependent producers, such as leading U.S.-based producer Killer Films, anddirectors, like Jim Jarmusch. The Killer Films collection includes Todd Haynes'Dottie Gets Spanked and
FortissimoFilms most recently acquired rights to Mira Nair's critically acclaimed
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