FortissimoFilms is to handle worldwide sales on Twelve And Holding, the secondfeature from director Michael Cuesta (L.I.E).
Thefilm is to world premiere at next month's Toronto International Film Festival(Sept 8-17) in the Contemporary World Cinema section.
TwelveAnd Holding is the story of three twelve year olds, who sparked by the tragicdeath of one's twin brother, band together as they grapple with feelings ofrevenge, the burden of grief, and the indelible experiences of growing up. It is written by Anthony Cipriiano and starsAnnabella Sciorra.
Itis produced by Serenade Films, founded by producer Leslie Urdang (AMidsummer Night's Dream) who partners with Michael Nozik (MotorcycleDiaries).
Additionalproducers on Twelve are Canary Films and executive producers are EchoLake Productions, Frank Fraterolli and Mike Downey.
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