Matthew Glotzer has beenappointed to the new post of vice president of digital media at Fox FilmedEntertainment (FFE).
Glotzer, who most recentlyserved as vice president of VOD and business development, will be responsiblefor developing content distribution channels across new and emerging technologyplatforms, and will also pursue long-term initiatives with major IT, consumerelectronics and telecommunications companies.
He will report to digitalmedia president Peter Levinsohn and will work closely with FFE Group'sstrategic planning, engineering, content protection and distribution groups.
Glotzer joined Fox in 1999as director of finance in the company's domestic home entertainment unit,moving to the studio's corporate business development group a year later,eventually joining the company's pay television distribution business in March2003.
He has served as a Foxrepresentative on Digital Cinema Initiatives, the venture by the seven majorMPAA-affiliated studios that is yet to produce a set of industry specificationson digital roll-out.
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