FoxInternational has rung in the changes at its Asia/Pacific regional operation,cutting jobs at the Tokyo-based headquarters and relocating the regional baseto Sydney, Australia.
Fox Australiamanaging director Sunder Kimatrai is promoted to vice president of Asia/Pacificbased in Sydney, supported by Asia/Pacific marketing director Janice Tay, salesmanager Brendan Gutsell, and print services director Georgina Bates.
In addition theJapan territory office managed by Toshiharu Karaki will now report directly toLos Angeles
"Given theimportance and immediacy of releasing product in Japan today, it is criticalthat Fox-Japan liaise directly with our Los Angeles office to expeditecommunication flow and strategic direction," Fox International's Paul Hannemanand Tomas Jegeus said.
"The relocationof the regional office to Sydney is not only cost effective but also aligns ouroperation with other News Corporation companies.
"Sunder is aperfect fit for the newly created regional supervisor position in Sydney as hehas not only successfully spearheaded the Fox Australian operation for fouryears, having overseen such box office triumphs as Ice Age, X-Men 2, The DayAfter Tomorrow, Mr And Mrs Smith and Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith, but also has significant experiencewith Fox in the Asia/Pacific region."
Kimatrai firstjoined Fox in 1993 as the home office representative in India. He was promotedto managing director of the India office in 1995, and named managing directorof the Singapore office three years after that. He has been managing directorof the Australian office since 2001.
Tay served mostrecently as Fox's regional associate director of marketing in Tokyo and waspreviously based in Singapore as Fox's marketing director. She joined Fox in1999 as marketing manager.
Gutsell has beengeneral manager of the Motion Picture Distributors Association of Australiasince November 2003. He previously served as director of operations at AudienceDevelopment Australia and as manager of EDI Operations between 1998 and 2002for Nielsen EDI.
Bates was namedAsia/Pacific print services director at Fox in 2000. She previously worked asnational print controller for Fox-Australia, and has worked at Fox since 1989.
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