Fox International will beseeking to translate The Omen'sexcellent early domestic form into a monster overseas result this weekend asthe satanic horror remake launches in - wait for it - 66 territories.
John Moore's demonic taletook an estimated $12.6m from North American theatres on Tuesday (06/06/06) andopened around the world on the same day. The studio is keeping tight-lippedabout overseas results until Sunday, when it hope to release a devilishly largeworldwide figure.
All takes from the Tuesday openingare being calculated as previews in the days leading up to each territory'straditional opening day. For example this means that France, where picturesusually open on Wednesday, will report one day of previews, while the UK willreport three days of previews before the official launch on Friday.
The Omen opens on 358 prints in the UK, 378 in Italy, 320 inGermany, 287 in France, and a sizeable 500 in Mexico. It goes out on 280 inSpain, 200 on Japan, 155 in Australia, 151 in Brazil, and 120 in South Korea.
Fox International still hasplenty of business to do with X-Men: The Last Stand, which has reached $146.1m. Its spring blockbuster IceAge 2 stands at $439.3m.
The Da Vinci Code became Sony's biggest international release of alltime this week with a current total of $427.7m, with plenty left in that tank.
Sony Pictures ReleasingInternational also opens RV inthe UK on 250 screens and Mexico on 150, both on Friday. The comedy launched inminor markets last weekend and has grossed $1.2m to date.
Buena Vista International(BVI) opens Pixar/Disney's Cars insix markets this weekend, the biggest of which are Australia on Jun 8 andTaiwan on Jun 10. The distributor is staggering the roll-out and aims to havethe animated story in 25 markets by the end of June, with a further 15 releasesscheduled in July. Germany will be the last major market to open in September.
Scary Movie 4 opens in several smaller markets for BVI thisweekend, hoping to swell its current total of $65m. With all French-speakingterritories and Spain yet to open, the picture is on target to cross $90m andhas an outside chance of reaching $100m. The Wild has amassed $45m to date and is yet to open inAustralia, Japan, and Scandinavia.
UIP opens the comedy AmericanDreamz, currently on a $5.5minternational cumulative total, in France on Jun 7 and Japan on Jun 10.Universal's heist thriller Inside Man has reached $88.2m and will try to crack Japan on Jun 10. The number onedomestic picture The Break-Upopens in Australia on Jun 6.
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