Hot off itspremiere bash in Cannes, Brad Pitt epic Troy scored nearly 1 millionadmissions its first week out in order to grab the top spot away from
Also newthis week, Cannes opener Bad Educationfrom Pedro Almodovar which boasted a healthy $7,000 per screen average. Cannesjury president Quentin Tarantino saw the bow of his Kill Bill Vol. 2 in Cannes and the rest of France during the week.Over only three days the film brought in $1.3m.
Emir Kusturica'sLife Is A Miracle also opened midweek to score 77,022 admissions on 124 screens. Meanwhile Mel Gibson's
Thai actionfilm Ong Bak lands at number 20 onits way out of the chart, but still with a healthy $6.3mtake so far.
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