The newlyinstalled chief of France's National Film Commission, Patrick Lamassoure,presented his strategy for the coming year at this week's MIPCOM, putting afocus on bringing film shoots back home.
France has suffered from a spate of runaway production inthe past few years. But, thanks to the country's recently implemented taxcredit scheme, the tide is turning.
So far in 2004, 72% of shooting time on French films hasbeen done locally as compared to 61% the year before. The tax credit rewardsFrench films by allowing them to write off up to 20% of below the line costs ifcertain requirements are met including shooting within the country.
Lamassoure'sstated goal is to help to continue the trend by presenting a coherent system offilm commissions providing a complete offer to producers looking for locations.The commissions can help in such areas as scouting, permits, technicalservices, logistics, finding local crews and understanding and meetingregulations.
Theregional commissions all fall under the national umbrella and include two newadditions: the Ile de France commission and the Film Office of the city ofParis.
Brittanyis also set to join soon. In total, 34 commissions are available to makeshooting in France smoother for local and foreign producers.
With abudget of Euros 646,000, largely supplied by France's Film Board the CNC,Lamssoure is confident that the next two years will see continued growth athome.
As forforeign productions, the coming year will see Sofia Coppola's MarieAntoinette and the adaptation of the best seller The Da Vinci Codemaking a home in France for part of their shoots.
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