France's CNC has announced a record 240 filmsproduced in 2005. All of the films received the cinema body's approval with 187films initiated by the French. The figures represent a jump from 203 films in2003 and 212 in 2004. Investments in cinema were also up by 22.6% to $1.54bn (1.28bnEuros).
The mostdramatic rise was for French minority co-productions at 53. The CNC explained the increase was thanksto regulations which allow foreign producers to work in France with a local company thus benefitingfrom the CNC's funding system.
In the pastfive years, foreign investment in French films has doubled from $52.9m (44mEuros) in 2000 to $115.9m (96.32m Euros) in 2005. Conversely, French investmentin majority foreign productions is up to $92.5m (79.6m Euros).
Further,the CNC noted that French films held 37% ofthe market share with 64.8 million tickets sold. While 2005 scored in thirdposition over the past ten years, after 2001 and 2004 respectively, numbers aredown 14.4% on last year.
US films took in 80.6 million admissionsin 2005 down 12.2% on 2004 making this year the worst for Hollywood since 1998.
Films ofother nationalities reaped 17% of the market versus 13.7% in 2004 and 13% in2003. The scales were tipped largely thanks to the strong performance of two UK productions: Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire and Charlie And The ChocolateFactory.
With totaladmissions in 2005 down 10% on 2004 at an estimated 175.65 million, the tidehas begun to turn. Box-office for the month of December wasup 17% on the same month the previous year.
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