France's advance on receipts schemewill benefit from a budget of Euros 22m for 2005, the French Film Commission(CNC) said this week.
The advance on receiptsscheme is a subsidy for filmmakers which is paid back following the film'srelease.
The CNC said this aid wouldgo to roughly 60 films chosen from about 600 project-stage candidates as wellas between 15 and 20 finished films. These figures represent about one third ofall films initiated by the French.
CNC president CatherineColonna also named new committee members who include directors Chantal Akerman,Laurent Bouhnik and Benoit Jacquot as well as various producers, actors andwriters. The president of the 2005 committee is Claude Durand who is secondedby distributor Michel Saint-Jean and producer Bruno Pesery.
In 2004, the account wasworth Euros 20.85m.
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