Xilam Animation is moving forward on a 3-D feature version of Stupid Invaders, a film company founder Marc du Pontavice calls "a Shrek-like family" entertainment. The ambitious project is budgeted at Euros18m and will start production in June of 2003.
Du Pontavice, an animation guru who left Gaumont four years ago to create Xilam, says that the project is based on the very successful Space Goofs, a TV series developed during his former tenure.
Xilam's first 3-D animated feature - and the first in Europe - Kaena - The Prophecy will hit screens at Easter. StudioCanal, which is handling sales on the $14 million film has already sold about 30 territories including Japan, Spain, UK and Germany.
Xilam this week announced figures for its financial year ending August 31, 2002. The company is one of the rare entertainment concerns in France to mark positive results - and notably after a flotation on Paris' second stock exchange. The animation house saw earnings of 14.1 million euros for the year marking a 46% increase over the previous year.
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