Munich-based film journalist and author Thilo Wydra has beenappointed by Cannes' artistic director Thierry Fremaux as successor toChristiane Peitz as the festival's correspondent for Germany.
Wydra, who works as a freelance journalist for suchpublications as Film-echo/Filmwoche, Der Tagesspiegel and Hamburger Abendblatt, has also published several books on German andFrench cinema, including monographs on the filmmakers Margarethe von Trotta andVolker Schloendorff.
He will serve as the contact person for all producers anddirectors wanting to submit their films for the official Competition or the UnCertain Regard sidebar and will be attending the forthcoming "RendezvousFranco-Allemand" in Lyon on November 26-28.
The last edition of the Cannes Film Festival saw HansWeingartner's The Edukators (Die Fetten Jahre Sind Vorbei) screening as the first German film in the officialcompetition since 1993.
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