UK-based production and film financing company Future Films has announced its involvement in seven feature films now in production.
All of the films are shooting now to take advantage of the UK tax laws set to expire with productions starting April 1 and afterwards. Future said its total investment in the seven films is $26.2m-$34.9m (£15m-£20m).
Two projects start shooting today to make the deadline. The first is Menno Meyjes's Manolete, starring Adrien Brody and Penelope Cruz. Future is co-producing the Spanish bullfighter epic with Iberoamericana Films.
Also starting principal photography today is Antonio Cuadri's The Heart of the Earth, which Future is co-producing with Manufacturas Audiovisuales, Costa do Castelo, and Sequence. The cast includes Joaquim de Almeida and Sienna Guillory in the English-language project about an uprising at a Spanish copper mine.
Other Future co-productions include Michael Radford's heist drama Flawless, with Pierce Williams Entertainment and Delux. Demi Moore, Michael Caine, and Lambert Wilson star, the project will be partially shot in the UK.
Another co-production is Samuel & Frederic Guillaume's Max & Co, with Max-le-Film, Cinemanufacture, and Nexus. The cast includes Lorant Deutsch, Patrick Bouchitey, and Marina Fois.
In addition, Future is acting as financier for Jake West's Ashes to Ashes, Michael Keutch's Enemy of the Unseen, and Mike Hurst's Dark Hell.
Clubdeal EU and Castel Films are co-producing those three projects. Cast members attached are Steven Seagal for Enemy of the Unseen, Lance Henricksen, Doug Bradley and Doug Roberts for Ashes to Ashes, and Paul Kasey for Dark Hell.
Future's investments are made from its recently launched Soho partnerships under the current Section 48 and sale-and-leaseback tax schemes in the UK. Future's Stephen Margolis noted that the company also planned to cash flow the new tax credit and continue working with UK and international producers.
Future has previously helped finance films including Mrs Henderson Presents, Oliver Twist, and The Feast of the Goat.
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