The fifth Maui Film Festivalcame to a close at the weekend (20) as Zach Braff's Garden State was awarded the best feature film prize and BobSmeaton's rock'n'roll documentary Festival Express claimed non-narrative honours.
The award for best shortfilm went to David Brown's Of Wind And Waves: The Life Of Woody Brown, which profiled the 92-year-old inventor of thecatamaran, while a special audience award went to Mark Vicente, Betsy Chasseand William Arntz's personal discovery epic What the #$*! Do We Know'
Festival organiser BarryRivers said this year's event drew record crowds as the number of admissionspassed 20,000. The event's opening night screening of Two Brothers at the Celestial Cinema attracted a record 3,854audience.
The festival ran from Jun 16-20.
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