Joe Lovett has signed a raftof distribution deals for his documentary Gay Sex In The 70's, which premiered at the Tribeca Film Festivalearlier this year.
The picture will open intheatres on Nov 4 through, followed by DVD/video release through Wolfe Video in2006 and a television premiere on the Sundance Channel in 2007.
The theatrical release willcommence in New York and San Francisco and will be supported by the picture'seducational partner Frameline and Wolfe Video. Additional markets including LosAngeles will follow.
Gay Sex In The 70's chronicles the 12 years of intense sexual expressionbetween Stonewall, a galvanising moment in gay rights activism sparked by apolice raid on a gay bar in New York City in 1969, and the first reported caseof AIDS.
Producers rep Woo Jung Chonegotiated the deals on behalf of Lovett Productions, with Wolfe Video's MariaLynn and Sundance Channel's vice president of acquisitions, scheduling andprogramme planning Christian Vesper.
'Gay Sex In The 70's seems to be connecting with an audience hungry formore information on this celebrated period of time of sexual freedom rightafter Stonewall in 1969 and before the advent of AIDS in 1981,' Lovettsaid.
'With the new frontierof gay rights in front of us, the film captures an important period of time inthe movement.'
Wolfe will also handlefurther worldwide festival bookings for the picture.
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