Leading German film fund Filmstiftung NRW in North Rhine-Westphalia must be used to bolster local productionrather than attract "funding tourism," according to the state's new primeminister Juergen Ruettgers.
Speaking at the opening ofthis year's Medienforum NRW, Ruettgers praised the economic contribution ofFilmstiftung NRW.
"This work should becontinued," Ruettgers said, "But what is important for me is that wepay even greater attention in the future to the funding effects for NorthRhine-Westphalia. I do not want any 'funding tourism'.
"I want a sustainable andlasting strengthening of the production infrastructure and the creativepotential here in North Rhine-Westphalia."
The speech was applauded byMichael Schmid-Ospach, whose contract as Filmstiftung NRW chief executive wasextended last week to 2010.
He told Screendaily.com thathe was "completely in agreement" with concerns about the effectiveuse of public money to create a flourishing industry in the region.
Inthe past, there has been criticism of funding tourism in some political circles.
TheNRW has become a favourite destination for production houses from other federalstates, which set up shop in the region with brass-plate companies to accessproduction cash support.
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