Infogrames Entertainment's video arcade game Alone In The Dark is to be given the silver screen treatment by German director-producer Uwe Boll after his film version of Sega's cult game The House Of The Dead.
Boll told that this new feature, which will be financed by the private film fund Dritte Boll Kino Beteiligungs-GmbH & Co. KG (3. Boll KG), will begin shooting in Vancouver from mid-July with special effects being handled either by a German or Canadian postproduction facility.
Boll currently has a fourth fund on the market - 4.Boll KG - which aims to raise at least Euros 15m to produce up to five internationally marketable feature films. Depending on investors interest, the fund has an option to extend the placement up to an overall volume of Euros 100m.
The House Of The Dead, which stars Germany's Juergen Prochnow, Ron Howard's brother Clint, and Jonathan Cherry has already secured theatrical distribution in such countries as Spain (Manga), France (Metropolitan), and the UK (Helkon SK) and will be released in Germany later this year by Solo-Film on behalf of video distributor VCL who will be meeting the film's p&a costs.
This summer will see Infogrames launching a new game in the Alone In The Dark franchise for Playstation consoles entitled Alone In The Dark: The New Nightmare.
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