Hamburg-basedproduction house Wueste Film has signed the first deals with distributors fromAustria, Switzerland, Scandinavia and Turkey for Anno Saul's KebabConnection

Theculture clash comedy, starringDenis Moschitto and Norah Tschirner, had its internationalmarket premiere in the Berlinale's German Cinema section last week.

Buyers includedSwitzerland's Cineworx and Turkey's R Films - both of whom released WuesteFilm's Golden Bear winner Head-On (Gegen Die Wand) last year -, Austria's Polyfilm, and Norway'sCorianderfilm (for all of Scandinavia).

Wueste Film'sco-managing director Stefan Schubert told ScreenDaily that a deal is "about to besigned" for the Benelux and negotiations are presently underway withdistributors from France, Spain and Italy.

In addition,"concrete interest" has been shown by distributors from the USA.

KebabConnection will bereleased theatrically in Germany on April 21 by Timebandits Films after havingits premiere at the Hof Film Days last October.