Columbia TriStar reignedsupreme at the German box office taking the top two positions with romanticcomedy 50 First Dates moving up topole position and the Johnny Depp starrer Secret Window coming in at number two with over $ 1.3m gross in itsfirst four days of release.
Meanwhile, last week's numberone - Kill Bill Vol. 2 - saw a 61%drop in takings but still made number three in a weekend with slack cinemaattendance.
Dirty Dancing 2: HavanaNights scored the highest screenaverage among the new entries - with $ 4,361 from its 110 prints - but MichaelSchorr's Schultze Gets The Blueswas once again the overall winner among the screen averages with an impressive$ 4,487 from its 72 prints for UIP.
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