The comedy-drama traces the coming-of-age antics of three bored small-town teenagers and stars Nahuel Viale Munoz, Nahuel Perez Biscayart, and Ines Efon.
Dos Santos produced with Soledad Gatt-Pascual of production company The Bureau, with financial support from the Hubert Bals Fund of the International Film Festival Rotterdam.
Glue won the 2006 Rotterdam Film Festival's Young Jury Award as well as the 2006 Buenos Aires International Film Festival's audience award for best film, jury award for best film and the jury award for best film by a young Latin American director.
Picture This! Entertainment president Doug Witkins negotiated the deal with Lumina Films' managing director and head of sales Samantha Horley.
Picture This! Entertainment's previous releases include Guka Omarova's Schizo, Royston Tan's 15, and Dennis Gansel's Before The Fall (Napola).
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