All Goteborg articles – Page 11
Tomas Alfredson's vampire film takes top Gothenburg prizes
Swedish director Tomas Alfredson's Let The Right One In (Låt Den Rätte Komme In) won two prizes in the Nordic competition at Sweden's Gothenburg International Film Festival.The romantic horror film based on John Ajvide Lindqvist's novel about a 12-year-boy who meets avampire girl picked up the Nordic Film Award's$15,700 prize ...
mdc presents two market premieres at EFM
Berlin-based sales outfit mdc international will have two market premieres at the forthcoming European Film Market (EFM) in Berlin.mdc will be presenting Slovenian film-maker Damjan Kozole's latest feature Forever (Za Vedno), produced by Vertigo/Emotion Film, which is having its world premiere in the Sturm und Drang sidebar at Rotterdam.The film's ...
As Goteborg kicks off, 200 people expected at Nordic Film Market
More than 200 international film professionals - producers, buyers, sellers and festival programmers - have registered for the Nordic Film Market, running between Jan 31-Feb 3 during Sweden's 31st Goteborg International Film Festival, which starts today.This year's programme includes 20 recent Nordic features and 12 works-in-progress, such as Danish director ...
Goteborg Fund backs five new features
The Goteborg InternationalFilm Festival (GIFF) in association with the Swedish International DevelopmentCooperation Agency (SIDA) has granted another $586,200 (SEK 4m) to films madein countries of transition. The five latest projects toget development support are: The First Rainy Day by Nguyen Phan Quang Binh (Vietnam) (which earlierreceive Goteborg funding at Pusan), ...
Balkan Fund development grants go to four features
Four film projects comingfrom three southeastern European countries received the grants handed out todayby the Balkan Fund, a script development initiative created in November 2002 bythe Thessaloniki International Film Festival (TIFF).Two of the four awardedprojects come from Romania, where cinema has become more vital in recent years.The two projects, receiving ...
Cape Town honours King And The Clown
South Korea's The King And The Clown, directed by Lee Joon-ik, has taken topprizes at the Cape Town World Cinema Festival. The period satire won BestFilm and Best Screenplay for writers Choi Seok-hwan and Kim Tae-woong.The best director prize wentto Mat Whitecross and Michael Winterbottom for The Road To Guantanamo; ...
PUSAN: Pang's Ibrahim takes top prize at PPP
The Pang Ho Cheung project, One Day Of Ibrahim, picked up the topprize at this year's Pusan Promotion Plan (PPP) - the $20,000 Busan Awardpresented by the Metropolitan City of Busan. The $2.2m project, about ayoung Kenyan boy's journey to find water, is set to be produced by the Hong ...
Swedish exhibitor Astoria saved by SF Bio deal
On the verge of bankruptcyfrom a debt estimated around $10.9m, Astoria Cinemas - Sweden's second-largest theatre circuit - was saved in the11th hour by arch rival, market leader SF Bio, which will take over the cinemasoutside the key cities of Stockholm,Goteborg and Malmo.However, in the future SFBio - a part ...
Sweden's Astoria cinema chain goes into receivership
Sweden's second-largest cinema chain, Astoria Cinemas, has gone intoreceivership. The chain has applied for anadministration order, but CEO Mattias Nohrborg is said to be attempting a reconstructionof the company.Nohrborg went to court afterthe Swedish Film Institute had earlier this week asked the bailiff to cash in a$9.8 million debt from ...
Karlovy Vary competition boasts six world premieres
The KarlovyVary International Film Festival has announced the competition films for its41st edition to be held June 30-July 8.In addition to thepreviously announced Beauty In Troubleby Jan Hrebejk, MouthTo Mouth by Bjorn Runge and Several People, Little Time by Andrzej Baranksi, the competition line-up includes a further dozenfilms screening in ...
Dagur Kári wins the Nordic Prize at Gothenburg Film Festival
Icelandic director Dagur Kári (Noi the Albino) won the Nordic Prize atthe Gothenburg Film Festival for his new film Dark Horse, a black and white slacker comedy shot in Denmark whichKári describes as a 1960s pastiche. The cast features a number of new Danishfaces such as Jakob Cedergren and Tilly ...
Argentinian New Wave looks beyond home for financing
During the 1990s, awave of young film-makers emerged in Argentina who gained comparison on thefestival circuit with similar movements in Iran, Hong Kong, Thailand, Finlandand South Korea.Now severaldirectors from the group known as New Argentine Cinema - such as LisandroAlonso (The Dead), Martin Rejtman (Silvia Prieto) and Lucrecia Martel (Holy ...
Dirs: Erik Gandini,Tarik Saleh. 78mins. Den-Swe. 2005.There is something Kafka-esqueabout the Guantanamo Bay prison camp in Cuba. Despitebeing part of the War On Terror, prisoners detainedhere in their strident orange suits are not given "Prisoner Of War" status butare treated as "Unlawful Combatants." Many have been left in limbo for ...
Seven Guldbagge nominations for Runge's film
The nominationsfor this year's Guldbagge awards, the annual SwedishFilm Awards were announced Monday. Björn Runge, whose previous film Daybreak won four Guldbagge awards and a Silver Bear in Berlin 2004,dominated the list with seven nominations for his new film Mouth to Mouth.It has been nominated for "Best Film", "Best Director" ...
Icelandic film opens 29th Gothenburg Film Festival
Icelandic director Sturla Gunnarsson's vikingdrama Beowulf & Grendel will openthe 2006 Gothenburg Film Festival (27 January - 6 February). The film, starringGerard Butler, Stellan Skarsgård, Sarah Polley and Ingvar Sigurdsson, had itsworld premiere at the Toronto Film Festival and will get its US premiere at thePalm Springs Film Festival on ...
Greek festival boosted by business among home distributors
The third RhodesInternational Film Festival has enjoyed a marked increase in activity amonglocal buyers.Stroke, German film-maker Katerina Peters' portrayal of herhusband's battle against disability, became the subject of a bidding warbetween local majors Prooptiki and Playtime. Swiss sales agent Firsthandfilmsis expected to announce a deal later this week.Meanwhile Spentzos Filmstook ...
Finland's Frozen Land takes top Gothenburg prize
Finnishfeature Frozen Land (Paha Maa) by director Aku Louhimies has won the top prize inthe Nordic competition at the 28th Gothenburg Film Festival.Thefilm - an alternative and dark look at Finnish society - premiered lastmonth in Finland, taking the top spot at the box office for two weeks. FrozenLand is ...
NORDIC Production Listings - May 25 2004
NORDIC LISTINGS - MAY 25DENMARKIN PRE-PRODUCTIONAMAZON JACK 3(JUNGLEDYRET HUGO - FRAEK SOM ALTID)(PH3) Backer: Danish Film Institute. the third instalment in the popularanimated feature series about Amazon Jack. Prod: Per Holst. Dirs: AndersSoerensen, Joergen Lerdam. Scr: Flemming Quist Moeller.Contact: Per Holst, PH3, (45) 35 55 93 66THE AMBULANCE(AMBULANCEN)(Nordisk Film Production) ...
Script Factory launches training scheme for film professionals
Screenwriting organisation The Script Factory is launching SCENE insiders, a new international training programme for European film professionals at the Edinburgh, London and Warsaw International Film Festivals in 2004 and at Gothenburg, Sweden in January 2005.SCENE insiders is targeted at directors, producers, distributors, readers, developers and story editors from the ...
Cold Light (Kaldaljos)
Dir: Hilmar Oddsson. Ice-Ger-UK-Nor. 2004. 92mins.There must be a law in Iceland stipulating that local films should contain one or more of the following: a) a weird and lonely hero; b) an avalanche; c) cod fishermen vs the cruel sea; d) magical powers, especially the ability to predict the future. ...