UK-based Shipwreck Film, which has just finished its debut feature Coffee Sex You, is now in post on its next project, Just Ines.
Writer/director Marcel Grant's Just Ines stars Daniel Weyman and Caroline Ducey and was shot in the South of France in the UK during four weeks. Post will be done in London or Paris.
Meanwhile, Shipwreck is hosting an industry screening of Coffee Sex You at the National Film Theatre on Monday at 3 pm. The film is about a 27-year old investment banker, Maria, who finds her life changed when she meets a small time film producer.
Marcel Grant and Emma Meaden of Shipwreck met on a short film shoot in April 2006 and soon launched Shipwreck. They pulled together a four-week shoot in London (and one week in Italy) for feature film Coffee Sex You. Post was done at Molinaire.
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