The International Screenwriters' Festival has added Guillermo Del Toro toits speakers slate. The writer-director, whose Pan's Labyrinth just premiered in Cannes, will be at the UK-basedfestival on June 28 to discuss and show his work with film writer Nigel Floyd.
The inaugural event runs June 27-30 in Cheltenham in the UK's Cotswoldsregion. Speakers for the festival include Jimmy McGovern, Tony Marchant,William Nicholson, Tony Grisoni, NicholasRoeg, Alan Scott, Paul Weiland,Elizabeth Karlson, Peter Straughan,Bridget O'Connor, Julian Fellowes,
The festival has also announced plans for its New Writers Day on June 27,which will include a pitching session to a panel including Julian Fellowes andan array of expert speakers.
The festival is backed by FilmFour, the UK Film Council, South West Screen,Cheltenham Studios, Wiggin, AristaDevelopment and other supporters. Screen International is a media partner.
For more information, visit the festival's
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