PaulHanneman and Tomas Jegeus have been named co-presidents of Twentieth CenturyFox International Theatrical.
Theexperienced pair have overseen Fox International since the departure of StephenMoore last summer and officially assume their titles this week.
Theexecutives will jointly run the division with equal responsibilities. Theypreviously worked together in Hong Kong from 1998 to 2002, when Hanneman servedas senior vice president Asia/Pacific and Jegeus headed Fox's marketingdivision for the region.
"Ourdecision to appoint Paul and Tomas to this post underlines our confidence inthem as highly talented executives who will continue the division towardunparalleled success," Fox Filmed Entertainment co-chairman and co-chiefexecutive officer Jim Gianopulos said.
"Inthe 15 years that I have known them, they have proven time and again theircreativity, their excellent judgment and their superior leadershipskills."
Hannemanand Jegeus have worked together on Kingdom Of Heaven, Star Wars Episode III,Mr And Mrs Smith, Walk The Line, andthe upcoming Ice Age 2, X-Men 3 andThe Omen 666, among others.
Hannemanhas served as executive vice president of sales and strategic planning since2002. He joined the company in 1990.
Jegeus was named executivevice president of marketing in January 2005 after arriving from UIP.
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