In a novel marketing twist,HDNet Films is offering cinema-goers who buy tickets to Joseph Castelo's TheWar Within via Moviefone the chance to download the score for free.
'Combining a great filmlike The War Within with a freedownload of an $18 soundtrack is just our first step toward creating additionalvalue for the film going public,' stated Mark Cuban, chairman of HDNet andco-chief of parent company 2929 Entertainment.
The score to The WarWithin was written by Free Association,a collaboration of DJs and composers David Holmes and Steve Hilton.
The War Within centres on a Pakistani engineering student in Pariswho is apprehended by Western intelligence services for suspected terrorism.
Cuban and his 2929Entertainment co-chief Todd Wagner announced their vertically integrateddistribution system last spring.
All HDNet Films titles willopen day-and-date in North America through 2929's Magnolia Pictures, LandmarkTheatres, and the HDNet Movies channel. 2929 International handles salesoutside North America. HDNet Films is run by Jason Kliot and Joana Vicente.
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