Former Lionsgate worldwidemarketing president John Hegeman has been named chief operating officer of FoxFilmed Entertainment's new teen and young adult-focused creative contentdivision headed up by Peter Rice.
Effective immediately,Hegeman will work alongside Rice managing all aspects of the company includingproduction, acquisitions, marketing and distribution.
The as-yet-unnamed division- announced by Fox chiefs three weeks ago - will aim to produce and acquire upto eight films this year, in addition to creating new media content forinternet, mobile devices, and other emerging technologies.
It will work closely withthe newly formed Fox Interactive Media and their brands My Space and IGN, whichare significant elements of News Corp chief Rupert Murdoch's ongoing mediastrategy.
The division will have itsown production and marketing staff, while distribution is handled by TwentiethCentury Fox.
"John is an exceptional,creative executive who has broken new ground and enjoyed wild successthroughout his career, especially during the past two years at Lionsgate," Ricesaid. "We are thrilled to have him join us here at Fox as we embark on ourexciting new venture."
"Young adults are sucha sharp, intelligent audience," Hegeman added. "It is going to be a lot of funjoining Peter in trying to deliver unique and immersive entertainment to them."
Hegeman's Lionsgate creditsinclude Crash, Diary Of A Mad Black Woman, Saw and Saw II. As president of worldwide marketing at Artisan Entertainment, heearned acclaim for his online marketing strategy for The Blair Witch Project.
Prior to joining Lionsgate heheld executive posts at Revolution Studios where he oversaw acquisitions, genredevelopment and online initiatives. Before that he launched Distant CornersEntertainment Group and produced Darkness Falls.
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