Christian stars as Rodney Miller, a gay, theatre-obsessed high school senior who has his heart set on becoming a Broadway star. Ashley Fink and Jonathan Caouette, who made the critically acclaimed Tarnation in 2003, also star. Christian produced with Kim Fishman and Kelli Lerner.
'We are thrilled to help bring Mr. Christian's debut project to theaters across the country,' here's executive vice president of acquisitions and distribution Mark Reinhart, who negotiated the deal with Ronna Wallace, said.
'Fat Girls explores the angst and social isolation so many teenagers face as they struggle to fit in during the tough high school years. We hope audiences will fall in love with these characters.'
The film premiered at Tribeca last year and has played at the Torino GLBT Film Festival, Frameline: The San Francisco Gay And Lesbian Film Festival, and the London Gay And Lesbian Film Festival, among others.
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