UK film The Truth About Love, starring Jennifer LoveHewitt, has scored a number one opening in South Korea in its worldwide debut.
Bought by Ivision and released by Tube Entertainment, thefilm earned $1.04m over a quiet weekend to outpace the launch of internationalhit The Interpreter, which took $890,000. The film tells the story of a happily married woman who sends ananonymous valentine card to her husband as part of a bet. Heconceals the card's arrival from her, setting off a chain of events that includesphone sex, a clandestine meeting and ultimately the revelation that her husbandalready has a mistress.
The strong performance of The Truth About Love isbeing credited locally to another UK film that became an unexpected hit in late2004. Gil Junger's If Only, alsostarring Hewitt in the lead role, grossed over $6m through a release by CJEntertainment on October 29.
With its tragic theme appealing to local viewers, If Onlyenjoyed strong word of mouth that translated into a long and profitable run intheatres.
To date, neither If Only nor The Truth About Lovehave been released in the UK or North America.
In a territory where local stars dominate headlines,Jennifer Love Hewitt is also emerging as a significant box office draw. As part of The Truth About Love'smarketing campaign, internet sites polled viewers on which local actress mostresembled the Texas-born star. (LeeNa-young of comedy Someone Special received the most votes)
Shot in Bristol in summer 2004, The Truth About Lovewas one of several British productions which had funding withdrawn duringpre-production in the aftermath of the February 10 clampdown on film taxfinancing.
The project was revived when Baker Street Media Finance andthe UK Film Council stepped in to cover the shortfall.
International sales are handled by Lakeshore International,which has sold it to 41 territories.
The film was produced by Tracey Adam of Lex Filmed Entertainment and co-produced by Christopher Figg of Piccadilly Pictures.
The producers are about to close a deal for UK distribution.
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