Buena VistaInternational (BVI) has promoted two of its international publicity executives,with Nina Heyn rising from executive director to vice president, and AlisonGleasure becoming director of European publicity.
Heyn, who isbased in Burbank, will continue to supervise campaigns on key titles on BVI'sfilm slate, dividing her duties with vice president of international publicityMaggie Todd and director Jennifer DuBois. She continues to report to seniorvice president of international publicity Teri Meyer.
Gleasure, who isbased in London, will continue to report directly to vice president of Europeanpublicity Michelle Sewell.
Heyn has beenwith BVI for nine years and is currently supervising the internationalpublicity campaigns on Cinderella Man, A Lot Like Love, Sky High and The Wild.
In recent yearsshe was project leader on such films as The Haunted Mansion, PrincessDiaries, Princess Diaries 2, Starsky & Hutch and Seabiscuit. She has also been instrumental intraining field publicists in the emerging Eastern European markets.
Gleasure hasalso worked for BVI for nine years. In addition to her day-to-dayresponsibilities on the European publicity campaigns on all BVI titles, she hasbeen instrumental as a liaison on all Miramax releases distributed through BVIin certain European territories.
She willcontinue to be heavily involved in European field communications on all BVIpublicity activities, with day-to-day responsibilities for overseeing theemerging markets in Europe.
Heyn joined BVIfrom Dennis Davidson Associates, where she was an international accountdirector. Prior to joining DDA, she held various entertainment industrypositions in Poland and France.
Gleasure began her filmindustry career with BVI in the Asia regional office based in Hong Kong. Afterrising to publicity manager for that region, she spent a year in Tokyo workingwith BVI Japan, before returning to her native England in 2000 and joining theBVI European regional office.
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