It may not have won the Palme d'Or, but Michael Haneke's Hiddenhas emerged as the most popular Cannes competition title according to Screen'sannual poll of international critics.
The Screen Cannes jury was made up of 12 key criticsfrom around the world who voted on every film in competition, awarding fourpoints for an 'excellent' film down to zero points for a 'bad' film.
Hidden averaged an impressive 3.3 points among Screen'sjury, just ahead of Palme d'Or winner The Child by Jean-Pierre and LucDardenne and Broken Flowers by Jim Jarmusch. Both films came in jointsecond place with an average score of 3.2 points. Hou Hsiao Hsien's ThreeTimes ranked fourth, with an average score of 3.1.
Overall, this year's average score per film was 2.2. This is an improvementon 2004 (2.1 points) and 2003's poorly received competition (2.0 points). Butit falls short of the vintage year of 2002 (2.4 points), when Roman Polanski's ThePianist won the Palme d'Or.
Criticsvoting for the Screen jury include Derek Malcolm of the London EveningStandard, Michel Ciment of France's Positif and Glenn Kenny of Premierein the US.
To download a pdf version of the Screen International Jury results, click here
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