Carlos Sorin's MinimalStories (Historias Minimas) made a sweep on Monday night of Argentina's Oscars, Los Premios Condor. The Spanish-Argentinian co-productiontook home eight awards from its twelve nominations, including trophies for bestpicture, director, original screenplay, new actor, cinematography and sound.
Adrian Caetano's Un OsoRojo, won only one award out of anequal number of nominations.However, another Caetano-directed feature, Bolivia, also won best adapted screenplay in addition to abest supporting actor nod for Victor Laplace.
Paula Hernandez's Herencia won best first film, best actress for Rita Corteseand supporting actress for JulietaDiaz. Pablo Trapero's police drama El Bonaerense took home the best editing award and thebest new actress nod for Mimi Ardu.
Sorin's road movie featuresthree individuals whose separate journeys intersect along the way. Co-producedby Spain's Wanda Vision, Minimal Stories has won a string ofinternational awards from various festivals including San Sebastian,Havana, Cartagena(Colombia), Nantes and Tromso.
Pedro Almodovar's Talk ToHer added another trophy to itsoverflowingpile, beating Jean Pierre Jeunet's Amelie, Nanni Moretti's The Son's Room and Joel and Ethan Coen's The Man Who Wasn'tThere.
The 52nd Condor Awards wereheld at the Km 0 Cine Gaumont. The old theatre has been refurbished by Argentine Film Institute INCAA aspart of its ambitious scheme to establish a number of screens devoted to nationalcinema.
Best picture HistoriasMinimas
Best director Carlos Sorin HistoriasMinimas
Best actor Julio Chavez UnOso Rojo
Best actress Rita Cortese Herencia
Best first feature Herencia
Best supporting actorEnrique Liporace Bolivia
Best supporting ActressJulieta Diaz Herencia
Best new actor Antonio DeBenedictis Historias Minimas
Best new actress Mimi Ardu ElBonaerense
Best original screenplayPablo Solarz Historias Minimas
Best adapted screenplayAdrian Caetano Bolivia
Best cinematography Hugo ColaceHistorias Minimas
Bes music soundtrack NicolasSorin Historias Minimas
Best sound Carlos Abbate andJose Luis Diaz Historias Minimas
Best editing NicolasGoldbart El Bonaerense
Best art direction MargaritaJusid Historias Minimas
Best animated feature MercanoEl Marciano
Best video Balnearios
Best foreign film Talk ToHer (Hable Con Ella)
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