HollywoodClassics, a decades-old distributor of classic films, is launching a new salesagency devoted to contemporary independent films.
Joe Dreier, headof Hollywood Classics and its new InFrame division, said that the new arm wouldwork with "new independent films from first or second-time directors who showgreat promise." He estimated the company's titles would be on the lower end ofthe budgetary scale, with most films capping out at $2-$3 million.
InFrame will beselling its initial slate of five titles at the American Film Market: TennysonBardwell's American drama Dorian Blues, A. Dean Bell's Deauville winner What Alice Found, Nathaniel Geary's Canadian family tale Onthe Corner, and twoJapanese animated titles: Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence and Millennium Actress.
London-basedHollywood Classics, founded as ADN Associates in 1984, is known for handlinginternational theatrical reissues and home video releases for films such as Casablanca,The Sound of Music, andThe Wizard of Oz.
Dreier notedthat InFrame is starting as a division of Hollywood Classics, but could growinto a separate company in the future.
"It's time toconcentrate on helping the younger, newer talent now that we've benefited fromthe classics," Dreier told ScreenDaily.com. "Maybe we'll find the classics of the future."
He expects mostof InFrame's theatrical, home video, or television deals to be struck with buyersin Europe, Australia, and Japan. He said that most, but not all, of thecompany's titles would be English-language. The company will consider a widerange of genres, including children's films and non-fiction.
InFrame'sexecutives include director of TV sales David Llewellyn-Jones, director of filmsales Melanie Tebb, and marketing manager Emese Nemeth. Steven Mackler(ex-Triboro Entertainment) represents the company in New York and John Flynn(ex-MGM/United Artists) is based in Los Angeles.
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