Atlantic Alliance Pictureshas changed its name to Atlantic Overseas Pictures (AOP) and has revived itslong gestating holocaust drama The Fence (formerly Love Is A Survivor), which is back on track with a European shoot scheduled for early2006.
The $10m picture will shootin Hungary, Germany and the UK and is being co-produced by AOP, formerBabelsberg Studios chief Thierry Potok, and Potok's Berlin-based production andfinancing company DALKA.
Philip Saville is directingthe true story of Herman Rosenblat, who fell in love while imprisoned in aconcentration camp and reunited with the love of his life decades later on ablind date in New York City.
Maia Morgenstern, ThomasSangster and Sarah Bolger have signed to star. The lead role of Rosenblat,which Tony Curtis was formerly attached to play, is out to casting.
The project was originallyscheduled for production last March but ran into funding problems and had to bedelayed after Lew Rywin of AOP's European partner company Heritage Films wasimprisoned on bribery charges in Poland.
"This is a film that doesn'thave a vein of cynicism running through it and there's been a shortage of thatfor a long time," AOP president Harris Salomon, who co-wrote the screenplaywith Matt Salzberg, said.
"Ours is very much an oldfashioned love story like the kind you saw during the 1950s and 1960s."
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