Kristen Stewart, the teenageactress who played Jodie Foster's daughter in Panic Room, is heading the cast of Ghost House Pictures'upcoming, untitled horror movie directed by Oxide and Danny Pang. The filmstarted shooting this week in Saskatchewan, Canada.

Dylan McDermott, PenelopeAnn Miller and John Corbett co-star in the film which is written by MarkWheaton based on a previous script from Stuart Beattie and an original scriptby Todd Farmer.

Columbia Pictures hasdomestic rights to the film, with Ghost House partner Mandate Pictures handlinginternational sales.

Sam Raimi and Rop Tapert ofGhost House are producing in association with Blue Star Pictures' Jason Shumanand William Sherak. Joe Drake and Nathan Kahane of Mandate will executiveproduce. Jim Miller and JR Young are overseeing the production for Ghost House.

The film marks the first USfilm from the Pang Brothers, the Hong Kong duo famous for The Eye and The Eye 2. Oxide Pang had previously directed The Tesseract mostly in English in 2003.

In the film, Stewart,McDermott and Miller play a family whose sunflower farm in North Dakota isinvaded by an ominous darkness which tears them apart.