Hot Docs, Canada's majordocumentary film festival, will spotlight contemporary Japanese documentaryfilmmaking as part of its "Made in..." programme at the festival's 2006 edition."Made in ...", which was on hiatus at this year's event, has previously explorednon-fiction production in Taiwan (2003) and South Africa (2004).

In a statement, Hot Docsexecutive director Chris McDonald, who will co-programme the sidebar, said thedecision was prompted by flourishing documentary production in the country overrecent years, and by the keenness of Japanese filmmakers to have their workseen internationally.

"Japanese producers havealso been actively pursuing international co-productions and we hope that,through our highly focused slate of industry market and networking events, wecan help facilitate these partnerships for those delegates attending," he said.

Co-programmer Brett Hendrie,the festival's managing director, pointed out that while Japanese documentarieswere few in number they have been audience favourites at Hot Docs over its 13years.

The 2006 edition runs fromApril 28 to May 7, 2006. The accompanying Toronto Documentary Forum runs fromMay 3 and 4.