ProducerScott Steindorff, whose credits include the upcoming Miramax drama The HumanStain, has teamed up with Las Vegas business-people Andrew Molasky and Danny andRobin Greenspun to form Stone Village Entertainment.
Thedeal transforms Steindorff's existing Stone Village Productions into a broaderentertainment company that will handle film production through Stone VillagePictures and television through Stone Village Television.
Underthe terms Molasky and the Greenspuns will provide a multi-year, multi-milliondollar overhead and development fund and a substantial but undiscloseddiscretionary fund.
Molasky,a former senior vice president of business and legal affairs for LorimarProductions in Los Angeles who also headed up Lorimar's London office, willoversee business and legal affairs and the television division as well assecuring foreign sales and production financing for the entire company.
DannyGreenspun is chairman of the Greenspun Media Group, whose publications includeLas Vegas Life Magazine, Las Vegas Weekly and ShowBiz Weekly.
RobinGreenspun has a background in television production and was a former head ofthe Nevada Arts Council. All three have sat on the CineVegas board since itsinception.
Followingon from Steindorff's work on The Human Stain, a Philip Roth adaptation, StoneVillage intends to make literary adaptations and is looking to expand itsslate, with more than a dozen projects already in development.
Currenttitles include an adaptation of T C Boyle's novel The Tortilla Curtain; aremake with DreamWorks of Akira Kurosawa's Ikiru to star Tom Hanks; and anadaptation of Frank Baldwin's erotic novel Jake And Mimi.
Inaddition the company has just acquired rights to Jack Kerley's The HundredthMan, an Alabama-set thriller said to be in the vein of Primal Fear meetsHannibal, and already owns rights to The Puppet Master: The Secret Life of JEdgar Hoover by Richard Hack.
Steindorffis currently serving as executive producer on HBO's Empire Falls, a small towneulogy directed by Fred Schepisi and based on Richard Russo's PulitzerPrize-winning novel. Paul Newman, Joanne Woodward, Ed Harris and Philip SeymourHoffman will star and filming begins in the autumn.
Corporateoffices for Stone Village Entertainment will be based in Las Vegas with officesin Los Angeles.
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