IconEntertainment International has appointed Peter Naish as head of internationaldistribution.
Naishjoined the company this week and will be involved in all aspects of Icon'sinternational business under chief executive Nick Hill and chief operating officerAndy Mayson.
Naish's film industry careerbegan at erstwhile UK distributor First Independent Films, where he wasmanaging director. More recently, he was partner at consultant Bridge Media.
"[Naish's]breadth and depth of expertise will be a great asset to the company and I lookforward to working with him in advancing our international operations," saidHill.
Upcomingfilms from Icon include Romance & Cigarettes, Stage Beauty and IHeart Huckabees. Icon is currently enjoying success with worldwide boxoffice for Mel Gibson's The Passion Of The Christ at $579m.
"Iam really excited to be joining Icon and sharing in this years phenomenalsuccess," Naish said. "The company is going from strength to strength and I amparticularly looking forward to working with their great management team andexcellent staff."
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