Joe Sinofsky and JoeBerlinger's Metallica: Some Kind Of Monster, Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 and Jehane Nujaim's Control Room are among nominees for the International DocumentaryAssociation's 20th Annual IDA Distinguished Documentary Achievement Awards.
Other contenders in thefeature category include Aileen: Life And Death Of A Serial Killer, BeingDorothy, Born Into Brothels, The Corporation, Hiding And Seeking, Home Of TheBrave, Juvies, La Vie Comme Elle (As Life Goes By), Music From The Inside Out,The Take and Word Wars.
Nominees in the shortdocumentary category are Chernobyl Heart, God Sleeps In Rwanda, The Life OfKevin Carter, Mighty Times Volume 2: The Children's March and Parents Of The Year.
The winners to these and twoother categories for continuing series and limited series will be announced atthe IDA Awards Benefit Gala in Los Angeles on Dec 10.
IDA will also present thePare Lorentz Award to the documentary that best represents the activist spiritand lyrical vision of Pare Lorentz, who was the first recipient of an IDACareer Achievement Award.
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