The story centres on a young woman who arrives in New York on a mysterious mission of extreme social importance. Newcomer Luisa Williams stars alongside Josh Phillip Weinstein, Gareth Saxe, and Nyambi Nyambi. Melanie Judd and Jessica Levin produced.
'Julia Loktev is an exciting new talent with an emotionally engaging first feature that captivates audiences with the raw portrayal of a darker side of human nature,' IFC Entertainment president Jonathan Sehring said. 'The film's wide acclaim is well deserved and we're very excited to add it to the IFC First Take release slate.'
Day Night Day Night is nominated for best feature and Someone To Watch Independent Spirit Awards and has been touring the international festival circuit.
IFC's Arianna Bocco negotiated the deal with Loktev and Pierre Menahem
of Scalpel Films.
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