IFC Films has picked up all North American rights to Bent Hamer'sCharles Bukowski adaptation Factotum, which had originally been bought after its Cannes worldpremiere by Picturehouse but which was returned to the market last week.
The picture, which screened at Sundance this weekend, has earnedMatt Dillon plaudits for his portrayal of an alcoholic writer who falls into atempestuous relationship with a troubled woman. Lili Taylor and Marisa Tomeialso star.
The deal was finalised with sales agent Celluloid Dreams, UTA andproducer Jim Stark when the rights became available after the Picturehouse dealfell through.
IFC plans a 2006 release on Hamer's follow-up to KitchenStories, which thecompany released in 2004. IFC Entertainment president Jonathan Sehring and vicepresident of acquisitions Sarah Lash negotiated the deal with Celluloid Dreams'Charlotte Mickie, UTA and Stark.
"Not only do we havethe greatest respect for his vision as a director, this is an extraordinarilypoignant and expressive story," Sehring said. "Dillon and Taylor give raw,inspired and mind-blowing performances and we love working with Marisa, who ismagnificent as always."
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