Abandoning its traditional March berth but sticking to its Oscarweekend slot, IFP/Los Angeles has announced that the 2004 IFP IndependentSpirit Awards will take place one day before the Academy Awards on Feb 28,2004.
The move is in response to the truncated awards 2003/04 season, anupcoming logistical melee triggered last year when the Academy declared it wasbringing forward its gala dates for 2004 and beyond.
Dawn Hudson, executive director of IFP/Los Angeles also issued theannual call for submissions, which must be received by 5pm on Sep 19.Nominations will be announced on Dec 3.
A statement from IFP Los Angeles stated that eligible films mustbe at least 70 minutes long and have either screened at least one day in acommercial theatre between Jan 1 2003 and Dec 31 2003 or at one of thefollowing seven festivals: IFP Los Angeles Film Festival, New Directors/NewFilms, New York, Seattle, Sundance, Telluride or Toronto.
The nominating committeewill vote on submissions based on originality and provocative nature of subjectmatter, uniqueness of vision, economy of means with particular attention tototal budget, and percentage of independent financing.
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