The agreement replaces the one dated August 1, 2005, and grants Image exclusive distribution rights over all video formats, including kiosk-based DVD-burning initiatives.
Criterion retains broadcast and digital rights, although the parties have agreed to cooperate on sales initiatives in those formats.
'Image and Criterion have been business partners for nearly 20 years and they are a cornerstone of our distributed programming,' Image's COO David Borshell said.
'We remain dedicated to supporting Criterion's unmatched DVD productions and their desire of providing cineastes with the ultimate home video experience.'
'Image represents us very well, and they have a fantastic team of people committed to our mutual success, and for that we thank them,' Criterion's CEO Jonathan Turell said.
The Criterion Collection contains classics such as Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai, Ingmar Bergman's The Seventh Seal, Frederico Fellini's 8½, Carol Reed's The Third Man, Terrence Malick's Days Of Heaven, and Terry Gilliam's Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas.
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