Mexico City'snew Cinepolis Perisur IMAX theatre opened yesterday (16) and will screen ThePolar Express in 3D onNov 19, the first time a Hollywood title formatted for IMAX will screen beforethe picture's conventional 35mm release.
"Through partnerships with leading exhibitors likeCinepolis, we are bringing IMAX theatres to moviegoers around the world - andthey are lining up to take part in this powerful cinematic experience," RichardL Gelfond, IMAX co-chief executive officer and co-chairman, said in astatement.
"We are thrilledto be offering moviegoers in Mexico a whole new way to experience the bestHollywood movies and excited to debut this theatre with the historic release ofThe Polar Express: An IMAX 3D Experience."
"We are thrilledto bring The IMAX Experience to Cinepolis Perisur and provide our customerswith a whole new way to experience Hollywood films," Alejandro Ramirez, deputychief executive officer of Cinepolis, added.
"I can't thinkof a better way to open our new IMAX theatre and kick off the holiday season thanwith the highly anticipated release of The Polar Express: An IMAX 3D Experience!"
Cinepolis is theleading exhibitor in Mexico, where it holds 45% market share. The company alsohas operations in Costa Rica and Guatemala, with Panama set to follow.
The PolarExpress is scheduled toopen on 35mm in Mexico on Nov 26.
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